Were you Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease?
Arlington Physical Therapy can help! The first step with clients diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease is understanding Parkinson’s Disease, how it effects you, and how physical therapy can help.
Parkinson’s Disease occurs in the brain that results in decreased dopamine production. Symptoms usually develop slowly over time. (https://www.parkinson.org/)
People with Parkinson’s can experience:
- Tremors
- Stiffness in arms and legs
- Walking and balance problems
- General
- Weakness
- Apathy and Depression
- Sleep Disorders
- Constipation
It is possible for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s to have a great quality of life. It is vital that you work well with your doctor to find the medication that fits you the best. Medication is often not enough to limit the affects of this disease. Physical Therapy is a vital tool to help people keep or restore their functional independence. (https://www.parkinson.org/)
How does Physical Therapy help? A successful program focuses on joint rom, balance training, and strengthening in ways specifically tailored for clients with Parkinson’s Disease. Our therapist specializes in providing this training through the BIG and PWR program that is specifically used to assist patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Most Insurances allow you to see a physical therapist without a referral or prescription from your doctor giving you Direct Access to physical therapy services.